Cancer Is Not That Scary
A few years ago someone sent me a cassette tape titled “Cancer Doesn’t Have To Be Scary”. I remember thinking at the time that here was a very sick person with real issues . I thought of tossing the tape but somehow it made it to our tape player. And I listened to an unknown veterinarian speak on sickness, disease and nutrition. I figured I’d just hear a short part , then toss the thing where it belonged. But the more he spoke the more closely I listened. Bladder cancer had a hook in me at the time and was probably the reason I received the tape although no one would own up to its presence. For you fella’s reading this, I’ll offer some very clear incentive . Your laying spread eagled, your back on the table, your legs locked in those stirrups while a nurse, about the age of your daughter, is doing things to parts previously private . When she’s finished, a doctor inserts an oversized garden hose into an opening that should never be stretched that far. Then inserts a camera so he can visually inspect your insides. The sadistic grin I think he tosses in for free.
Cancer has a way of demanding attention and the threat of impending doom and a real short future can cause one to reach out for more information. The information provided in that crazy tape created within me the desire to learn more and it became the fist step in a long journey of battling cancer and learning a changed lifestyle.
Today I’m a believer and I too see Cancer, as well as many other diseases, just the product of a very unhealthy lifestyle.
ADD, ADHD, autism and child diabetes, just to name a few, are running rampant through this last generation at a rate many say is epidemic. Cancer clinics are installing revolving doors and valet service as the numbers of folks contracting the disease increases daily.
· Municipal water systems are not pure. They are held at a ‘tolerable’ amount of bacteria.
· My 110 ft deep well and needs to be monitored for runoff and nitrate levels requiring me to install a serious filtering system.
· Processed foods dump hundreds of foreign chemicals into our already struggling immune system every day!!!
· Most dish soaps, washing powders, etc, contain Formaldehyde because it’s a real cheap preservative. Your not told this because its not required. This is not only ‘toxic’, but a suspected carcinogen. BABY shampoo’s have this crap in them!!~!
· Many, many, many of the hand creams, as well as most skin products, contain Formaldehyde, bleach or ammonia and your skin is absorbing all of it.
· Fluoride, is a poison. Many toothpaste tubes even indicate ‘overdosing’.
· Soils are depleted. In 2001 the Surgeon General stated that nutrient levels were so low that you’d have to eat 16 servings of any green veggy to just equal the nutrient levels of 35 years ago!
· We’ve been aware for a very long time that carpeting, paneling and furniture’s contain glues and adhesives that give of toxic fumes. And today we hear more each day about “greening“ our homes, cleaning up our personal environments as we become more and more aware of the toxins we live in. Did you ever consider that very strong smell you smell in the household product isle of your local grocer? Those are SEALED Containers!!~! Can you now understand what your breathing at home and why this stuff shouldn’t be around your babies and Grandbabies?
Each of the above bullets indicate an area where your immune system is not only struggling but screaming for help. When that struggle becomes too much, the body reacts the only way it can.
So what really is cancer?? It is your body crying out for help. 10 years ago I wondered how cancer had gotten a hold on me. Today I wonder how anyone can avoid it.
While I’m not a doctor and make no claims in that area. I think that years of fighting this disease, digging out information and discovery gives me the right and privilege to get you to think on your own. There’s nothing wrong with common sense. And when we see things that are wrong we need to address them seriously. We are killing Ourselves. I truly believe that when all is said n done, nutrition will be found to be both cause and cure for cancer and many other diseases. And given what we’ve learned, taking a good regimen of organic supplements is the way to assist the body in it’s struggle . As I understand it, effective supplementing requires a system of absorption to allow the nutrients to be carried into the cell structure of the body. Without this system most of the value washes from the body. So make sure you’ve done your homework before investing in your purchase of supplements .
I believe there are many ways we can fight these diseases. Quit simply by reversing some of our bad habits. At the very least it provides tools to use in our own battles.
Although I will keep adding bits of info to this blog about this subject, I have also created a website to try to help folks who want to gain on their health. . We’ve compiled good information as well as many suggestions on how to help you begin your journey to wellness.
Finally, I think it’s very cool that even cancer has no hold on me. And ultimately, God will decide the number of my days. I want to help. My E-mail address is I’d be honored to share or help any way I can . Thanks Al
Hi Al, so pretty much what you're saying is that the cancer isnt as scary as the crap that is usually labeled 'wholesome' that we put in our bodies on a daily basis. Good blog. I subscribed to it so keep up the good info.
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